Hi Everyone, Anyone else having trouble running Captivate Interactive Video with Captivate 2019 on IPad OS 13.2? It works fine on my IPhone but not my IPad. IPad OS 13.2 is the first time IPad OS is slightly different than IPhone so maybe that is why it works on IPhone but not the IPad? On IPad the video freezes on the 1st frame. This Interactive Video example is simply 1 slide running a YouTube video […]
Captivate is really a terrific product for creating E-Learning but often I like to think “Out of the Box” and I need it to do a little more. And the really great thing about Captivate is Adobe has made ways it can do more with JavaScript. But JavaScript can be bit cumbersome and tricky to learn. Well, the good news is there is a 3rd Party Widget called CpExtra which adds all kinds of extra functionality to Captivate without having […]
Many Captivate developers use a Learning Management System to log E-Learning Interactions. The variable data in a Captivate project holds very useful information about how the user is progressing in your E-Learning Course. Definitely Learning Management Systems are great and Adobe’s Prime LMS is excellent but what if you just want to log some simple user variable data and you don’t feel the need for a full LMS. I am going to show you how to use JavaScript and […]