Adding content to Tabs Project slide

My first time using the Assets feature,  I have a tabs project in my project.  Have changes tab names and added introduction.  How do I add content for each of the slides?  I think this should be easy – but am struggling. Help, please!

Is there a way to record my Captivate 9 screen? I want to create a demo on getting started with Captivate, but cannot finda way to record Captivate.

Trying to create a demo on how to get started with Captivate 9.  I would like to record my Captivate screen.  Do I need a different recording software to do this? When I try and record it does not show Captivate 9 as an application I can record.

Trying to record a getting started demo OF Captivate

I am trying to record my Captivate screen for a quick getting started with Captivate module for my team.  When I try Video Demo and select Application, it does not show Captivate as an option to record. Can anyone help?  I have tried all I can thingk of, but cannot get my captivate screen to record. Thanks for your help –