Congratulations! The Adobe eLearning Community just turned one.

A year ago, August 9th to be precise, the Adobe eLearning Community was born. And what a year it’s been. A year full of excitement for all of us at Adobe and hopefully for all of you out there who have been instrumental in making this portal one of the most widely used and popular resources in the eLearning space today. The Community over this past year has clearly grown to be a place where all eLearning professionals, from ‘newbie’ […]

What are we assessing?

learning In old computer terminology we used the phrase "garbage in and garbage out". Our school and learning systems have unwittingly added a third element – "garbage tracked". Calvin in another strip comments, that it is no point going to school as he never learns anything there that he wants to learn. As I reflect back to my schooling days, I can hardly recollect a class in a new semester (or terms as we call them in India) starting off […]

Are we human or are we dancers

eLearning,KILLERS,Constructivism,instructional design,cognitivism,learning theories Is Brandon Flowers and KILLERS thinking of eLearning, when he sings this song? Nah! too much to expect. But, listening to this song yesterday for the nth time got me thinking. So I downloaded the lyrics and tried to look at them this time through the learning eyes. Are we creating eLearning content which is meant for human learning, or are we creating instructional content which is meant to disseminate instructions and hope to provoke expected actions? […]

eLearning to suit my moods

elearning,Adobe captivate,Learning,branching Yesterday, I wanted to look up the equation for an ellipse. And I wanted to find this information quickly. So I went to wikipedia typed ellipse and frantically (skimming paragraphs) went over the page, found the information and exited the page. Last week a visit to wikipedia on a related topic on Lithium saw me diving deep into this mazing mineral on whose availability a lot of green movement in based upon. By the way, I learnt that […]

The World At The End of Recession-Greener and Leaner…

elearning,ASTD,rapid elearning,recession And more inclusive? I am allowed to dream once in a while. I was in Washington DC to attend the ASTD conference earlier this month and was lucky to catch this great interview on TV with Anne Mulcahy, CEO Xerox Corporation, Eric Schmidt, CEO Google and James W. Owens, CEO Caterpillar. The 3 CEOs spend most of time analyzing the current business environment and how its is affecting their specific business. They also gave some insight as to […]

Driving the collaboration cycle

eLearning,Collaboration,blogs,Wikis,Adobe AIR Quoted from   The Adobe Captivate Blog: eLearning this week Archives   Last week’s post raised the question: Why would the author of a content be willing to share the authorship with someone who has provided a comment or criticism to his content?  There are three sets of people whose interests needs to be satisfied. The first is the consumer of the content, second is the author, and the third the collaborator. It would be useful to […]

Fuelling the Collaboration Engine…

Collaboration,eLearning 2.0 Let us consider the following questions: When we use a spell-checker in our word-processing tool, and we want to use a word which is not in the dictionary, do we use the “Add to Dictionary” option? Would many people write to the “Letters to the Editor”, if the newspaper policy did not allow the authors name to be printed? Would wikipedia have worked simply in a blog format ? try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(“UA-7747520-1”); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) […]

Workforce learning in 2019: Finding patterns in a Clouded Crystall Ball

elearning,Collaboration,NetBooks,Performance Support,GenX,GenY,Immersive Learning,rapid elearning John Medina in his keynote address at the eLearning Guild November 2008 conference talked about how the fundamentals of how a person learns do not change decade on decade – in fact, it is an evolutionary process. Believing in John (and I am not suggesting that we should not) leads us to a scenario where the workplace learning environment will not be significantly different than what we see today. However, our knowledge of this learning process […]

Learning Technologies, 2009

Captivate,eLearning,Conferences,rapid eLearning,Lectora,Flash Learning Technologies 2009 was held in London, from 28th to 29th of January, 2009. The conference was well attended by around 3000 learning professionals primarily from UK. I was interested to see how the learning and development world was coping with the struggling economic environment and if any trends were emerging in coping with the same. It was heartening to see that the industry was well represented through participation by Adobe, SumTotal, Trivantis, TechSmith, OutStart, NIIT, Tata Interactive, […]

What's new In Captivate 4?

rapid eLearning,authoring,scripting-free elearning development Adobe® Captivate® 4 software is packed with new features that help you work faster, collaborate more effectively, and create more realistic and engaging eLearning content with advanced interactivity, software and scenario simulations, quizzes, tables of contents, widgets, and more—all without programming or multimedia skills. Here are the top new features of Adobe Captivate 4 addressing the release goals mentioned above: Productivity, Richness, and Robustness Round-trip PowerPoint workflow Leverage existing Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2007 (PPTX format) slides in […]

Zen of Captivate 4

Adobe captivate,rapid eLearning,ID,SME Delivering productivity through rapid authoring of complete, complex and rich content Organizations are increasingly looking at rapid development methodologies which can deliver quality eLearning content in days/weeks instead of months, at a fraction of the cost. Adobe® Captivate® 4 is designed to allow organizations to dramatically increase the percentage of courses that can be developed using rapid methodologies. Rapid authoring is taken beyond application simulation and screen capture to allow for the creation of complete end-to-end coursework […]