My organization is having issues with videos playing in a web object using an embed code. The first problem is that we’ve been unable to make the “black bars” on the top/bottom or left/right (not at the same time) disappear. Reducing the height, for example, instead ends up pushing the player bar off the bottom of the screen. I’ve also had inconsistent results when I select the “Auto Load” checkbox. In one project, when the box is unchecked you have […]
I have built an advanced action that uses a variable to change the state of a shape and to hide/show some links based upon the value of the variable. The advanced action is executed each time the “Continue” button is selected. The variable (v_introCntr) starts with a value of 0 and the first action in the Advanced Action increments the variable by 1. From there I have a series of “If” statements that check the value of the variable and […]
Here’s my situation…I created a course with some front material (slide 1 and 2), a series of questions using knowledge check slide (set to 1 attempt only), and then more content. On the first slide of the second content area, I added a button to let the learner “Jump to slide 2”. But, this functionality won’t work…instead the course seems to “pause”, then it “goes to next slide”. I’ve checked the code and it is correct…it happened again when I […]
I’m attempting to use JavaScript, on-enter to a slide, to move a button off of the stage and later move it back on when it is needed. I’m not using show/hide for reasons that aren’t germane to the question I’m asking. I’ve done this before with images…moved them off of the stage with JS “on-enter” and then animated them onto the stage when a button is selected. I’m actually able to animate the button in question and move it around […]
We have recently had issues with a couple of courses that will not allow us to tab to the radio buttons on a quiz slide. We lose visible focus and hitting the “enter” key to figure out where we are does not produce a consistent result. If I cheat and use the mouse to get me on the radio buttons, I find I can move between them using the arrow keys but I still don’t have focus and, again, don’t […]
Situation: I have a single SCO course will four branches. All four branches come off of a single slide (from here forward referred to a the branch slide). The learner is given the option to attempt to test-out of the course. The questions are all related to a specific branch of the course and answering all of the questions related to a branch allows the learner to skip that content. When the learner gets to the branch slide an advanced […]
OK…I’m on a roll this week with JavaScript questions. I’m attempting to use JavaScript to move an object off the side of the page and then back on when you select a button. Here’s the code I used: var obj = document.getElementById( ‘re-txtField_2c’ ); var posX = parseInt( ); = “.4s”; = (posX + 910) + ‘px’; I had code to bring the button back as well, but it doesn’t seem like I need it. Through troubleshooting […]
Here’s another question related to a project I previously asked a question about. I’m trying to make an object slide off the page to the right, change it’s state, and then slide back on to the page from the right. The problem is that one effect seems to be cancelling out the other. Here is the preview of the action: Note that LefttoRight and RighttoLeft are both “custom” actions because I needed them to move specific distances. I loaded the […]
I learned something unpleasant yesterday and I’m hoping someone can help me get around it. I want to use either JavaScript or a motion path to move an image off the side of the page (to the left if that matters), change it’s state, and then bring it back on to the page from the direction it left. The unpleasant thing that I found was that I’d added text captions to the image’s different states (the reason for the motion), but the […]
I want to use a very basic animation (a figure walking up to a desk) into Captivate 9. Our Visual Production shop is using Cinema 4D to create these objects, but I need to know the specifics on what output I’ll need to bring what they create into Captivate. Any help on what I need to tell them…or anything in particular I need to consider….would be greatly appreciated. v/r Jay