Can anyone shed any light on why Captivate is so keen to put the text pop out icon next to my work? I thought that my text would fill up an entire fluid box before that icon appears, but it is coming up for all my titles. Here is a screenshot of 1pt past the maximum size I’m able to make in Cp: There is no padding in the FB, no hidden spaces or carriage returns. There seems to be […]
My short workflow for making animated gifs that display as intended in Cp
A brief overview of the use of guides within Captivate
A short overview comparing different flow/wrap options in fluid boxes
Take a quick look at the various ways to move imagery from Illustrator to Captivate
Just as a quick aside from all the elearning info being passed around, a gentle reminder to review your backup policy and make sure it is fit for purpose. Until yesterday morning I thought my own was fairly robust but that was mercilessly proven untrue upon discovery of a corrupt project file. The big takeaway is that: Backups of corrupt data are more corrupt data! Because I hadn’t opened the file in over two weeks, during that time it had […]
Quite probably, anyone who has spent any time at all researching online platforms for publishing their Cp content will have had the same two thoughts as me: There really seems to be no end to the number of elearning system providers. They all claim that they are the ultimate solution. It is easy to get a little despondent when conducting research as to which Platform/LMS/LRS you want to use. Hours disappear as you wade through a seemingly never-ending ocean of […]
For anyone intending to use Cp with Learndash, here is a quick (and free) method for getting your projects on your site. Useful for previewing if nothing else, no xAPI/SCORM integration but there seem to be precious few ways of publishing Cp projects without the use of paid plugins. Code needed: [cap_iframe_loader type=’iframe’ width=’100%’ height=’600′ frameborder=’0′ src=’’] Edit to match your details ( and everything after uploads/) Gareth
For those people knee-deep in Captivate content creation , it can be worth taking a moment before you’ve invested heavily in terms of both time and money to think a little bit about your total workflow all the way to your course material appearing on your user’s device. There are some potential pitfalls which may not occur to you at the beginning, but which may have a big impact on your overall aims. I’d like to specifically cover the various components […]
When it comes to using different Adobe products in conjunction with Captivate, you needn’t think of yourself as being Kofi Annan trying to get different Adobe assets sat round the same table engaging in meaningful dialogue. Captivate plays nicely with the other software out of the box, but let’s look at an exciting way to turn Captivate and Photoshop into kissing-cousins, which will give you a rock-solid way to quickly alter image assets made in Photoshop, across your entire Captivate project, […]
There seems to be a healthy amount of subject matter experts here inspiring us with posts on how to do some of the more advanced things in Captivate. As a new user, I made several time consuming mistakes in my first few weeks with the product, things that may be obvious to some, but had me shouting at the screen in frustration. Here are how to do some very simple things that completely had me stumped: How on earth do I […]
Captivate is the distant cousin of the Adobe family. It doesn’t care about the hours you may have put in with the other products, which all play well together and look as though they came from the same parents. Upon first opening it, nothing will look reassuring or familiar, presumably the coders and designers also sit away from everyone else in the Adobe cafeteria. This initial disorientation threw me when I started with the software, just a few weeks ago. If […]