Recently there have been some discussions about Adobe Captivate 2019 and Windows 10’s inability to interact properly with one another. Some issues occurring once Adobe Captivate 2019 is installed on a PC, Laptop, or Mac running the Windows 10 operating system are: Receiving a fatal error message Adobe Captive 2019 fails to launch Inability to simultaneously open more than one project And a few other issues These issues have also been known to occur in previous versions 9 and 2017 […]
How to Link to External and Internal Documents from an Adobe Captivate Project
About the Adobe Learning Summit in October 3rd – 4th, 2018
Incorporating Virtual Reality Content, Tools, and Devices into Learning Solutions
Storyboarding in Adobe Captivate (2017 or Draft App) vs. Microsoft PowerPoint
Some projects may require the use of a menu slide. This slide also may contain audio and buttons that allows the user to jump from the menu slide to another section and back. Issue: The user navigates back to the menu slide and the audio replays. If you do not want the audio replay on return, below is a tip that may resolve this issue. In Advanced Actions Variables Create a new User variable (Example: audioOneplay) with a Value of […]