Adobe Captivate 2019 vs. Windows 10: The Battle Continues

Recently there have been some discussions about Adobe Captivate 2019 and Windows 10’s inability to interact properly with one another. Some issues occurring once Adobe Captivate 2019 is installed on a PC, Laptop, or Mac running the Windows 10 operating system are: Receiving a fatal error message Adobe Captive 2019 fails to launch Inability to simultaneously open more than one project And a few other issues These issues have also been known to occur in previous versions 9 and 2017 […]

How to – Link to External and Internal Documents from an Adobe Captivate Project

How to Link to External and Internal Documents from an Adobe Captivate Project

About the Adobe Learning Summit in October 3rd – 4th, 2018

About the Adobe Learning Summit in October 3rd – 4th, 2018

Incorporating Virtual Reality Content, Tools, and Devices into Learning Solutions

Incorporating Virtual Reality Content, Tools, and Devices into Learning Solutions

Storyboarding in Adobe Captivate (2017 or Draft App) vs. Microsoft PowerPoint

Storyboarding in Adobe Captivate (2017 or Draft App) vs. Microsoft PowerPoint

Tip to Keep Audio from Replaying When Navigating Back to a Menu Slide

Some projects may require the use of a menu slide. This slide also may contain audio and buttons that allows the user to jump from the menu slide to another section and back. Issue: The user navigates back to the menu slide and the audio replays.  If you do not want the audio replay on return, below is a tip that may resolve this issue. In Advanced Actions Variables Create a new User variable (Example: audioOneplay) with a Value of […]