A chess clock to help you play your chess game.
This project was inspired by another posting about a chess game. You can see that here.
This chess clock expands on the setTimeout capabilities by adding in use of the clearTimeout command.
This allows us to properly stop the clock and restart it without firing multiple instances of the clock on top of itself.
— Tap the top buttons to change the active player clock. If the button is up – that side should be going and the other stopped.
— Both clocks are stopped when both buttons are at the mid point. Use the S button to stop both clocks.
— Use the R button to fully reset the clock back to 0 for both players.
— Use the up and down arrows on the left side of the clock to adjust the play time up to a maximum of 60 minutes per player
— Chess Clock has both digital and analog displays.
I will do a full write up on the code for this one in another post. In the meantime – have fun playing with this project and feel free to ask any questions you may have.
Also feel free to share any ideas for improving this clock.
Perfect !… Check Mate !…
But I just had a glance at the coding part… Ou la la !… I don’t have the time to experiment it now… And the use of the GSAP isn’t the big point… It should be nice that the next waited version of Captivate will offer us an easy way to use Javascript in all his power !…
Great Job Greg !
Happy Captivating !…
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