November 12, 2021
How do you create better virtual meetings?
November 12, 2021
How do you create better virtual meetings?
I have a Ph. D. in getting things done.  What does the learner need to do? Why aren't they doing it? What's the problem, and how will we know we've solved it? How can we help them practice what they need to do? What information must they have, to complete the practice activity?  My mission is to change what people DO, not just what they know.  I design experiences, not information.   I Design practice, not just random PowerPoints with lots of bullet points.  I show,  don't tell, in scenario-based training activities; building toolkits that learners can start NOW, not information dumps My  trainees are put into situations that are realistic... to solve problems, & possibly fail, & have someone help them.  It's less about, "Can you turn this into a course?, and more about, "We have a performance problem, can you help?"
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Here are some tips including Live Setting Your Agenda, #designingthefuture for contribution not consumption, #purposedriven #meetings and The Unofficial Start and End — one of the most powerful tools you can employ to engage your program participants & invite them to interact.

1 Comment
Mar 14, 2022
Mar 14, 2022

Really great tips – thank you!

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