July 21, 2024
Compliance Dashboard Admin workflow in Adobe Learning Manager.
Administrators can also check the compliance status for each manager’s team by selecting Go to Compliance dashboard. Administrators can share a set of training courses with managers individually or with a group. This helps managers to easily track the compliance of their teammates for the specified training.
Admin Workflow
Create custom compliance labels
A compliance label is a catalog label that categorizes courses/learning paths/certifications as compliance types.
To create a custom compliance label, follow these steps:
- In the Administrator app, go to Settings> General.
- Select the Custom Compliance type option to enable the custom compliance label.
- Go to Settings> Catalog Label and select the Compliance type.
- Type the values (e.g., Legal, Sales) in the Value text box and select Add Value.
- Select Save.
Create and share a compliance dashboard
To create and share a compliance dashboard, follow these steps:
- Go to Reports> Learning Summary.
- In the Compliance Dashboard section, select Shared with Managers.
- Select Share dashboard and select the created labels from the Custom compliance dropdown menu.
- Type and select the manager’s name in the Share with text box.
- Select Share to send the dashboard to the selected manager.
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