July 31, 2024
New Feature – Native extensibility experience
Hello All,
In this Blog we will be going through the new feature : Native extensibility
Overview :
- Native extension provides unparalleled flexibility and customization capabilities within the platform. which assists modifying learning experiences to specific organizational as per their needs.It basically allows admins to create custom extensions without needing headless implementation.You can setup extension and add invocation points as per the organization needs.
- Native extension acts as an added feature(extension) under Admin/Author/Learner/Manager profile, and you can add label/link and it will be triggered with the invocation point you set while creating an extension.
Please follow the steps for creation of Native extension.
You can setup invocation point which will add extension for those points as per Profile.
As an Admin, you can view all extensions on the Native Extensions page. To see the list, select Native Extensions in the left panel of the app.
Thanks for going through this blog.
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