Adobe Captivate 2019 is a game changer for those of us who do a lot of video in our elearning courses. I have been using video extensively since 2011 for role play, content presentation and questions based on video content presented.
The simplified interactive video work flow using overlay slides and bookmarks, gives you the ability to enhance the video presented with additional content and question slides.
With the new approach to interactive video in Captivate 2019, how I work with video has changed dramatically.
Here’s how it used to work.
The original video workflow was to add object video and rely on the learner to use the video controls to start and stop the video content. There really was no way to stop video playback to introduce additional slide content or question slides. This was generally done after the video was viewed.
The workflow changed with slide video and the edit video timing tool. You could place a video on a slide and use the edit video timing tool to break the video content into clips on different slides. You could then add content slides and questions slides in between the video segment slides. On failure last attempt in question slides you could send the learner back to video segment slides for remediation using jump to slide or go back to a frame on a given slide with advanced actions. This was time consuming and required extensive knowledge of advanced actions and micro navigation based on frame count. And the actual video play back suffered because of the load time on each slide, with the loading spinner, breaking the continuity of the presentation.
Now with Captivate 2019.
The new work flow for interactive video in Captivate 2019 changes all that by placing a video on a single slide.
Using overlay markers along the slide timeline / video to display pop up content and question slides on top of the paused video. You can change the opacity of the slide to create an interesting visual effect. Remediation is much easier by using the failure – last attempt in a question slide to jump to a labelled bookmark on the slide / video timeline (reminds me of the frame label concept in Animate / Flash.)
The benefit to the learner — a much cleaner user experience and fluid presentation of the video with pop up content slides adding additional information and questions to engage the learner on the content presented.
If you have already tried interactive video, you may be getting the positive feedback that I have received with a new course just developed. This feature has had immediate impact on course presentation.

Can you check if this interactive video is playing correctly? There is a menu which you can use for jumping to bookmarks:
Hi David,
This feature in Captivate 2019 expands our contract opportunities from elearning to doing virtual tours for tourist locations, real estate, theme parks, etc.
I am planning to obtain some video of a pioneer heritage village using a drone. I would then like to insert markers to identify and describe certain buildings and points of interest.
My question … Is it possible to use the markers to open up 360 images so that the viewers can “explore” the insides of the buildings?
Russ: That would be a great use of the new feature – in fact I was thinking of doing something similar as an exampled based on on some video I shot in Boston a few years ago when I walked the Freedom Trail. It would be great idea to show the interior of Paul Rever’s home, North Church, Faneuil Hall etc. But alas the feature in not yet available to show a 3d image or video in a slide overlay. If you click on the “i” in the upper right corner of the overlay selection window the pop up says you can insert Content Slides and Knowledge Check Questions as your Overlays. We do not support the following types of slides yet:Graded QuestionsSurvey QuestionsSlides with VideosSo not quite correct because my testing showed you can use “event video” on an overlay slide but not the interactive video or image.So hopefully the word “Yet” implies the Captivate team is working on the other types of slides to be included in overlays and will provide this an a product update in the future. Lets go ahead and a feature request.
I am still getting to grips with the feature. But at the very least you could add an explore button to the overlay. This would jump to a different slide, the 360 slide. You can them ‘jump’ back using the ‘frame count’ to return to the video at the correct point. (You may need to set a variable used ‘on entry’ to make this happen.
I have been trying that several times, but you cannot navigate to another slide from an overlay slide. Did you find a way?
A little bit of this and a little of that.Thanks Russ for posing the question and thanks Andy for your suggestion. Given that a button can be put on the overlay slide which is transparent, I was able to use the suggested approach to achieve the effect that you were looking for Russ. Andy’s thought of a variable changing on enter allowed for the return from the 3d slide back to the video to continue playing to the next overlay marker. I have posted the example. Well can link to the 3d video slides in Firefox and IE Edge and return back to the main movie -but not Chrome 69 it fails miserably.
Attachment DavidRussAndy.zip
Thanks for posting and testing a possible solution to linking an overlay slide from a video to a 360 image/video. I will experiment with it to see if I can get it to work for me.
I’m sure that once Adobe see the popularity of this feature, they will enhance the capability in future releases.
Russ: Contact me via email at info@harperburnham.com and I will forward you the cptx file. More than happy too.
Totally agree, David, though personally I am not using video that much (too passive) but this time I will be tempted for sure because the overlay slides can have all functionality of the static Captivate slides (including multistate objects, advanced/shared actions) and you don’t have to mind about synchronisation which was the big problem when trying to create bookmarks and other interactive components on synchronized video.