I have been tasked with updating a Captivate Course. The course on a slide used a typing text on a layer. I can not select to get properties, or delete the object. I can lock and hide, but I really want to delete entirely.
It looks like a bug, but wanted to see if any other users came across the same issue.
Thank you,
Thank you, I discovered how to do that accidently. I still have some small bitmaps in some scenes that require some rebuilding. The files have been through a few versions of Captivate where it looks like the updates did not know how to handle everything.
Sure, there have been so many changes in Captivate between version 6 and the present version, that updating old courses is becoming a pain. The team only tests updates from the previous version, seldom from more older versions. I don’t know if it is even possible to handle everything. But what you mention: leftovers from bitmaps seems weird. Can you explain?
You didn’t answer my question. Personally I am very careful with upgrading. Check the theme and make sure it is upgraded to the present version.
You have to convert the Typing Text object to Text Animation (use right-click menu). Then you will be able to delete it. Old trick.