March 7, 2019
YouTube-style timer in Captivate
March 7, 2019
YouTube-style timer in Captivate
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

Does anyone have a working solution for displaying the movie duration using system variables and JavaScript? E.g. 01:15 / 03:30

  • I know that the movie duration is available in the TOC, but I don’t want the latter to be visible all the time
  • I have been able to calculate the total time of the project using the cpInfoFrameCount system variable
  • But I’m stuck with the current time. The cpInfoCurrentFrame system variable is what I need, but I can’t convert it to the mm:ss format:
    • I can display cpInfoCurrentFrame in a caption and it increments as the movie progresses. So far so good.
    • If I use a Captivate while loop for the conversion to mm:ss, the “Execute JavaScript” action is only executed once e.g. (while cpInfoCurrentFrame < cpInfoFrameCount)
    • I can’t add a JavaScript while loop for some reason as an action: it is removed when I save the action.
    • The “Expression” action is not powerful enough.

Any ideas?

Mar 11, 2019
Mar 11, 2019

Thank you, but I already had the buttons. I solved it as follows and still have to test, but for now the timer start/stops automatically and also works correctly with pause, resume, next/prev slide etc.:

In Captivate, create two user variables: totalTime and elapsedTime
Insert these variables into a Smartshape: $$elapsedTime$$ / $$totalTime$$ should be the result. Display the Smartshape for the rest of the project.
Add an external JavaScript file to your project, using the method described in
Create the external JavaScript file and add the JavaScript below

//The following functions create the timer in the Captivate modules

//When the movie starts, see
window.cpAPIEventEmitter.addEventListener(“CPAPI_MOVIESTART”, calculateTotalTime());

//Calculate the total time:
// – Get the total number of frames and divide them this by 30 (30 frames per second)
// – The minutes are the total number of seconds, divided by 60 (rounded)
// – The seconds are the remainder when dividing the total number of seconds by 60 (rounded)
// – Finally: create string with ‘0’ added if necessary
function calculateTotalTime() {
numberFrames = window.cpAPIInterface.getVariableValue(“cpInfoFrameCount”);
totalSec = numberFrames / 30;
totalTimeMin = Math.floor(totalSec / 60);
totalTimeSec = Math.floor(totalSec % 60);
totalTime = str_pad_left(totalTimeMin,’0′,2)+’:’+str_pad_left(totalTimeSec,’0′,2);
window.cpAPIInterface.setVariableValue(“totalTime”, totalTime);
//Calculate the current time:
// – When the frame changes, get its number and divide it by 30 (30 frames per second)
// – The minutes are the number of elapsed seconds, divided by 60 (rounded)
// – The seconds are the remainder when dividing the number of elapsed seconds by 60 (rounded)
// – Finally: create string with ‘0’ added if necessary
window.cpAPIEventEmitter.addEventListener(“CPAPI_VARIABLEVALUECHANGED”, function(){
frameNumber = window.cpAPIInterface.getVariableValue(“cpInfoCurrentFrame”);
elapsedSec = frameNumber / 30;
elapsedTimeMin = Math.floor(elapsedSec / 60);
elapsedTimeSec = Math.floor(elapsedSec % 60);
elapsedTime = str_pad_left(elapsedTimeMin,’0′,2)+’:’+str_pad_left(elapsedTimeSec,’0′,2);

//Prettyprint the minutes and the seconds
function str_pad_left(string,pad,length) {
return (new Array(length+1).join(pad)+string).slice(-length);

Mar 8, 2019
Mar 8, 2019

Very old blog, example is in SWF. Another blog I have to update about using system variables to display time. I didn’t use JS at all: Display Time 

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