For complex layouts where you want all your objects to stay in the same location on browsers and tablets, make sure your top fluid box (the main container) is set with “stretch to fit” unchecked. In this case I center everything on the page.
Hmmm…. I don’t think this is always a good approach at all. It will only prevent that the fluid box is filling with the content items, but never that they’ll remain in the same location because fluid boxes can be rearranged when changing screen resolution or switching from landscape to portrait. Can you explain the title of your tip? It doesn’t fit the content IMO.
Padding is also very important. Have a look at the Pearl theme packaged with CP2019. The bullets in the Conclusion master slides are in a fluid box, set to Stretch to Fit and the size is defined by the padding.
Keeping the width/height ratio is another factor that will define how the image looks.
Sorry for this critical note, but I want to avoid confusion for other users.