April 5, 2019
Quick Tip: Zeros and Ones are Cool – the Toggle
When you create a button, you can assign an action to it called “Toggle”. Toggle changes the default value of Zero to One. You can write complex actions or very simple ones to check to see which buttons are set to the value of Zero and which ones are One. Jump, show / hide or do anything you can think of based on which buttons have which value. Pretty cool, huh?
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Apr 5, 2019
Have written a lot of articles about toggling. The Toggle command is meant for Boolean variables, you can use either 0/1 or No/Yes or False/True for their value, result is the same.
Toggle command was added, one of my requests, because it is easier for newbies than having to use the Expression Var = 1 – Var which has exactly the same result.
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