May 3, 2019
Knowledge Check Slides Autoformatting
May 3, 2019
Knowledge Check Slides Autoformatting
Newbie 5 posts
Followers: 2 people

Whenever I create a knowledge check slide it somehow “autoformats” certain objects and I cannot change or reset them. For example, the “submit” button on the knowledge check slides (5,6,17,21) changed the text alignment to align left and I cannot get it to be centered. I also can’t adjust the font size. Another issue I’m having with these slide is although I’ve set every default preference to Arial font it still defaults to tahoma.


Any suggestions?

May 7, 2019
May 7, 2019

I’m using the Pearl theme. I haven’t deleted anything. I typed in the question text and answer text then used the slider to view for different devices and when I do that, it responds by scaling down the text and the alignment for the submit button but not for the question answers. When I slide to view for desktop the submit button still stays in small text. The answers are unresponsive overall.

May 6, 2019
May 6, 2019

Object styles are part of the theme you are using for a project. Each Captivate project is linked to a theme. If you edit the theme, please save it as a custom theme to be able to reuse it for future projects.


May 6, 2019
May 6, 2019

Where I suspect total confusion is due to your sentence ‘I’ve set every default preference to Arial font’. If you use Quiz Preferences, Default Labels to set object styles, this will NOT work for most objects. Reason is that the default set up is to use Shapes, ,not Captions. And the dialog box Default Labels only allows to change styles for the Captions, not for Shapes. I mentioned this explicitly in the links shown above and in:

There are more posts in this series, please look also at Terminology and Submit Process.

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