Additions in columns with Captivate
Hello Captivaters !…
After I had worked on additions in line (see here), I had to make some projects on additions in columns…
Obviously, I thought it will be easy… But it wasn’t so !!…
As there is one digit, we can use the TEB… but as it is left-aligned by default, it’s not useful for the answers in a calculation where we have to write from right to left… So first I try to use one TEB for each digit, but it appears really fast that it was too challenging (and my name is not Greg !!… )
So I had no choice but to decide to use the “Scrolling Text” widget which allows more options regarding to the alignment. But this widget is far from optimistic as we can’t limit the number of characters nor delete the answer (as we can do with the TEB… ). If someone has a solution for these two issues, I’m very interested !…
But “something is better than nothing” as my old Guru said… and I decide to work with it !…
Here is one of these projects :

I had another issue when I wanted to place a small TEB to place the “retenue”* (the “carry” or the “exchange” in English)… It appears that the focus was on this TEB and not on the widget as I entered the slide, and that was not fair… I tried to use javascript to focus on something else with no luck… so, after scratching my head, I inserted another TEB, partially out of the screen and with an alpha of 0% and it made it !!!… The focus wasn’t on the TEB “retenue” anymore !!…
But then I realized that I had to click two times on the widget to have the focus !!!… I scratched my head again (I lost so many hair that I’m completely bold now ), and try to put the pause at 0,1 s on the hidden TEB, and… it was finally OK !!!… as you can see in this first example !…
Here is another example :

Thanks to Greg Stager’s idea again, I think this is a nice way to use it !!…
More examples here :
Happy Captivating !….
[I really hope that the Cpt developpers will take care soon of the problem of the alignment in the TEB… I’m sure it’s more useful than developing Virtual Reality gadgets… ]
* It’s in french !!…