July 22, 2019
[Free Webinar!] Let The Learner Lead: How Learning Technology Can Support Skills, Competencies, & Constructivism
July 22, 2019
[Free Webinar!] Let The Learner Lead: How Learning Technology Can Support Skills, Competencies, & Constructivism
Katrina Marie Baker works for Adobe as a Senior Learning Evangelist. Her independently operated consulting firm has advised organizations in aerospace, construction, healthcare, legal, retail, technology, and transportation. Katrina facilitates keynote sessions and master classes for learning professionals. She also maintains YouTube channel Learn Tech Collective. She has authored books LMS Success (2018), The LMS Selection Checklist (2018), and Corporate Training Tips & Tricks (2017). Katrina is a former Director of Technology with the Association for Talent Development. She has worked in people/project management and global training capacities for Fortune 500 retailer Whole Foods Market, and Global 100 law firms Cooley LLP and Latham & Watkins LLP. Previously, Katrina worked in music and video production for clients such as Disney Channel and Adult Swim.
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So the last webinar was a little crazy in a very good way.  We had hundreds of people attend live or watch the recording to learn about how to spice up a training program with no budget, and persuade leadership to provide a larger budget next year.

Let’s talk about next week!  I’m doing a fun “learning theory” oriented topic for eLearning Industry.  We’re talking about skills, competencies, and constructivism – specifically how to use learning technology to support these elements within a learning environment.  You can register here for free or read the description below.

I love to talk about different learning theories like constructivism, and really enjoy when class participants bring their own ideas of why and how constructivism and other learning approaches should be employed.  I do not believe that constructivism is “the answer” or the correct approach in all situations.  That would be awfully boring, wouldn’t it?  We as instructional designers should pick the right approach for each situation.  Let’s talk about some of our options during class.  Please bring your ideas – we always have a chatty, involved audience.

Let The Learner Lead: How Learning Technology Can Support Skills, Competencies, & Constructivism

How do you encourage a person to learn without telling them what to believe? How do you assess skills without asking learners to memorize facts? It’s all in the learning environment.

Many learning professionals incorporate constructivism into their instructional design approach. Constructivism seeks to actively involve the learner in a process of meaning and knowledge construction. Learners are exposed to an environment and framework that allows them to derive meaning as opposed to passively receiving information.

Katrina Marie Baker, Senior Learning Evangelist at Adobe, will provide food for thought on the following points:

  • Definitions of constructivism and some related terms, such as project-based, experiential, and inquiry-based learning
  • Benefits and limitations of constructivism
  • How constructivism can be applied to a training course or program
  • How to create an effective learning environment using technology
  • Suggested reading and additional resources

Group discussion will take place throughout the session.

1 Comment
Jul 28, 2019
Jul 28, 2019

Hope I can join the webinar. This may be bit off topic and personal. Lot of Captivate users know me as someone helping everywhere on social media (too seldom live) to sort out problems with the software.  I doubt they know how I bult my skills? No with videos (those are “shooting stars, look nice, but burn out and never land”, to quote someone I admire for his learning insights? Never bought any book nor manual (can find bugs and lacking info in any of them within 15 minutes). My training has been to watch forums, discussion groups for possible problems and trying to solve them. Which theory applies here, Katrina?

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