July 26, 2019
Overlay Slides 1: An Example
July 26, 2019
Overlay Slides 1: An Example
Instructional designer and e-learning developer. Certified Adobe Captivate Specialist.
Newbie 12 posts
Followers: 20 people

Overlay slides are a new feature in Adobe Captive 2019. They allow you to place interactivity at preallocated points throughout a video using only a single slide, and no Advanced Actions.

Increased interaction, and thereby engagement, while decreasing development time! That, to me, sounds exciting.

I also feel that it opens an opportunity to create a more natural, story-like flow between the video and other areas of the lesson since they become more closely intertwined.

Adobe provides an excellent example in the Resources section of Adobe Captivate 2019. It’s called “2019 Release – Interactive Video”. The image below shows where you can find it under the Resources tab.

Interactive Video resource

Inspired by that example, I wanted to investigate further so, I obtained the rights to a polished, yet generic, audio-free video, and experimented. (I’m sure YouTube videos or other free sources might work just as well.)

“Are You Ready to Learn?” is the result of that experiment.

Ready to Learn screenshot

It consists of just twelve slides and runs for approximately three minutes.


Video from stock.adobe.com; audio from freesound.org, composed by ispeakwaves; images from undraw.co; instructional design by me .


Aug 21, 2019
Aug 21, 2019

Thanks, great work!

Aug 19, 2019
Aug 19, 2019

The preview has been updated to the perfect size, and scaling is now functioning perfectly.

Aug 18, 2019
Aug 18, 2019

OK, thanks for the feedback.

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