Bug with Drag and Drop ?
Hello Captivaters !…
(See discussion in the Captivate Forum : https://community.adobe.com/t5/Captivate/Bug-with-Drag-and-Drop-Captivate-2019/td-p/10702293)
I think I found a bug within the latest version of Captivate.
It concerns D&D and occurs when we want to drag and drop an object only one time (and we don’t want the object to be moved a second time).
It works perfectly in older version but with the lastest one it seems that if we try a few times to drag the object we can actually drag it. And it’s very problematic when we link an action with the dragging (increment a variable for example).
I found this bug trying to do this. And I looked for a solution for long hours… But as I knew I did this successfully before, I try to replicate this without any success. And when I want to change the version of the old working project (2017 version) to the latest 2019, the bug was there again !…
Captivate 2017 version :

Captivate 2019 version :

I change nothing between the two (Except the name of the new version).
So I think it’s due to the Captivate version… ?
I hope the Captivate Team will make it work again soon !…
In fact, this issue happens with png image (used as dragged object).
I sent a bug report, and received an encouraging answer. See here :
And I hope this will be corrected soon !…
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