Question about implementing GSAP library in Adobe Captivate.
Hello everyone,
I have a question about GSAP implementation in Adobe Captivate. I found two posts here related to this topic, but they didn’t answer my question. I have a very basic one. I hope someone can help me with it. I tested GSAP in my browser, and I love (and recommend) it. Even the free library they offer is great. It works through javascript so I should be able to implement all those smooth and eye-pleasant effects in Captivate. So my question is: How do I make it work in Captivate? I mean how do I link the library to the project. In an HTML code, I paste something like …
<script src=””></script>
<script src=””></script>
…and I’m done. How do I make a connection to the GSAP library in Captivate?
I’ll be grateful for your answers.
Question about implementing GSAP library in Adobe Captivate.
Hello, To make greensock or any other externally linked js lib, (including your own), ‘work’ in captivate you need to edit the published index.html file of your HTML5 published content.
Linking the lib is just the beginning, actually being able to call and use it needs to be done in other places.
You can find out more here:
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