We have introduced new assets to the Asset Panel, so that you can create beautiful engaging eLearning content in minutes. We’ve added few quick start projects with new layouts and interactions, ten new characters with multiple poses, new images, and videos. These assets will be added automatically into the Asset Panel. You need not update the product.
If you are not on latest version of Adobe Captivate, Download free trial of the latest version of Adobe Captivate (2019 release) to access the new assets.
Here is a quick sneak of what’s coming your way.
Quick Start Project
Speed up your Course creation using these ready-to-go slides and out-of-the-box interactions –
Access 60+ videos and give that much needed edge to your projects.
Now’s your opportunity to get creative and build engaging eLearning Content. Add the new assets and see your projects come to life!
Download and use these assets in your projects and let us your feedback on the new assets.
Hi. I’m using
I downloaded the windows assets installer and followed the directions at this page:
I ran the installer and I now have a folder on my machine at
C:\Users\Public\Documents\Adobe\eLearning Assets
There are assets there (over 2G). I can see characters, etc. But when I try to use the Assets button (upper right), it says I must be offline (which I am — I’m testing offline use).
What is the point of running this installer and downloading these assets if they cannot be accessed locally via the program?
“Assets, to view the assets. Restart Adobe Captivate and start using the assets.” Ungrammatical and unclear. Not a good sign.
I restarted Captivate and my machine, but the assets are not available unless I’m online. Very disappointing!
Indeed, you need to be online. Only part of the assets are installed directly on your system, many assets need to be downloaded when you choose them.
BTW you are not using the most recent version. For 11.5 it should 11.5.553. Meanwhile there is also version 11.8 which is subscription only and needed for Win11 or Monterey and M1 (Mac, iPad).
I have the Captivate Ver 2019 ( and I have problems to download free eLearning Assests or adobe stock assets for Captivate.
Some months ago I had access to a lot of assets and now is limited. On the other hand the download is low.
Due to the confusing numbering, you misunderstand. You do use a rather old version of Captivate. You missed versions 10, 11 and 11.5. Only version 11.5 has the new eLearning assets. Version 9 is not at all belonging to the ‘CP2019’ which has only versions 11.0 and 11.5.
My apologies, but I don’t remember ever having seen those ‘video clips’. Are you sure that you are talking about the Characters included with Captivate. AFAIK they always have been static bitmap images. They are a selection of the eLearning Brothers library.
I have designed a risk management module for course assessment and want to make this interactive. Can anyone help guide how I can accomplish this? I need this for a quick turnaround for Monday 24 May, so any and all tips would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks,
Your comment appeared only today, which is the 24th of May.
What do you really want? Sorry, but I don’t download any files for many reasons. If you want to learn about making an eLearning course interactive, you probably need to take some training either by exploring the tons of tutorials available everywhere (for free) or to speed time up, a paid training.
Have a look at this blog to learn about some basics for interactivity:
You’ll see that it is a summary of a webinar which I presented for newbies in Captivate, but seasoned users of other Adobe applications.
Since you posted this as comment to a blog about using the Quick Start Project, I have also published several articles about using the interactivity examples in those projects. Here is another link:
You will find more on my blog, and also here in the portal.
Captivate 11.5 performs extremely slow. Download via Assets failed!
What is the exact version number please? Check the full number under Help, About Captivate.
assets not working, I get a error saying chrome version is too old although I’m running the latest version. Can’t access the eLearning Brothers content or see any of my available assets.
Did you try with another browser as well? Personally I also have issues downloading Characters but the other assets work fine. Is that the same for you? Please log a bug, I did the same.
Not working. New 2019 installed one month ago. Can anyone advise.
I have the latest update and they are not working. Can anyone advise.
Unfortunatly, the assets don’t work correctly. I can choose one – it loaded – and then I had a white slide. What could happend?
Can you check the exact version number under Help, About Captivate? The most recent version for Windows is
Nice layouts. Thanks for sharing
The new assets are great! Always love seeing the new updates.
I love the new layouts. I used the Vertical Accordion slide, the Icon -Buttons, and Buttons, Text and Image slides in my latest project. It turned out really neat, and I learned so much more about Captivate figuring out how to edit those advance actions and how the slides worked. It reminded me why I wanted to become an ID in the first place. Thanks for the fun times!
Thanks for your feedback. Great to hear you liked the new layouts added. Please do let us know if you looking for any specific QSP or slides, we will be happy to add those in next release.
Awesome! Thank you for making new assets!
Wow! There is some great stuff here. The content has really improved. I especially like the one I attached; it’s probably the best way to express my feelings.
I don’t mean to sound greedy, but is there any way to add our own content to the assets? If so, how? If not, could a tab be added in future versions that could reflect our own content? How about a tab to access our Lightroom library? Is this possible? It could even just show a single Lightroom shared album (is that what it’s called). I know I can share it and it is viewed as a webpage outside of Lightroom.
Thank you guys for all your hard work on this. If we compare this to Captivate 9, I think it is amazing how much progress you’ve made.
Mark –
Good to hear you liked the new assets.
Thanks for sharing your enhancement request. We will looking into this workflow for future version of Captivate.
have you also tried the new Quick start project & new characters we have added?
Thanks again for your feedback, keep it coming!
Thanks! let us know your feedback.
This is exciting news. I can’t wait to get in there and check this stuff out.
Mark –
Hi Mark, Please do check the new QSP & share your feedback. Thanks!