Videos are the best and easiest way to learn about new content and skills. But they are inherently passive, with no opportunity for learners to interact with the content. Join Dr. Pooja Jaisingh to learn how to quickly convert an MP4 video from your local folder, video hosted on YouTube or Vimeo to an interactive video content. You will see a demonstration of how to convert informational slides, interactions, and knowledge check questions to overlay slides and add them at designated spots in the video. You will also learn how to add bookmarks in the video to enable remediation during the training. Along the way, learn about best practices for using videos effectively in eLearning courses.
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Pooja, you are phenomenal! You make it look so simple. I really benefit from your videos where I stop – apply to my project – continue watching…keep them coming, please…
Thanks for your kind words. I’m glad to know that you find the video tutorials useful. I’ll keep creating them!
Great as always Dr. Pooja, you make is seem so simple 🙂
Thanks, Martin 🙂
Thank you! Let me know how it goes 🙂
Great session. A little fast for me so I want to watch a couple more times. Will this video be available after the conference is over?
I really enjoyed this session and the question from Lasciere was answered – the background under an overlay defaults to 10% but you may change this in Properties.
I want to let you know that I am unable to download the sample file for some reason. I may have downloaded it earlier (and this violates some permission) but I cannot open in Presenter and I am eager to try out this interactivity for myself. Thank you!
The video blurs, no matter the opacity. Yes, setting a lower opacity means the learner can see the video, but a blur is applied by Captivate. The question was whether or not we have control over the blur. The work around is capturing a still image from the video at the point of interest and placing it in the overlay.
Were you able to download the file?
can I have variables, functions, and formulae inside the questions and answers? For example, I want to create a question that is different every time it is shown. The difference is in the values. Thus, the values will be different both in the question and in the answers (or response options).
Does it have SCORM capabilities so that my LMS can get back the results of what the learner responded inside the interactive presentation?
You can sure create custom questions and report the scores to an LMS.
I did not feel that the questions were actively shared by Jackie to the presenter during this session. First time, all of the other sessions question sharing have been spot on. Having asked twice, I took to multi-tasking to try it out myself.
During the session, you indicated that when an overlay is placed over the video that the video blurs. Can that blurring be overridden? It does not allow the students to reference something at that current point in the video.
Another note. Today’s sessions are keeping chat open vs using Q&A once the sessions start.
I’m so sorry that we were not able to get to your question during the live session. Thanks for posting it here.
The video blurring automatically happens when the overlay appears. Unfortunately, there’s no control to override it.
If you have any further questions, you can live chat with Adobe Captivate Product team at https://elearning.adobe.com/2020/06/live-chat-with-adobe-captivate-team/