Visual Design aims to build on improving the user experience through illustrations, photography, fonts, space, layout and colours. However, most people working in the eLearning field do not have formal training as a graphic designer. How do you improve the user experience through Visual Design?
This stimulating lighthearted session will show you some simple techniques to help make you visually literate. Your screens will pop when you follow some of the tips provided to you. We will look at some tips to build screens that will not only look great but can be used to improve retention. We will also outline some resources and how to get collect resources that can inspire your creative juices.
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Very informative. I have learned a lot.
Thank you so much !!
I have never understood why people care so much about looks but I know they do. I never understood why people would pay more for a pink or a blue laptop but they do. Thus, I have to make my own courses look good. However, I am not sure if I can learn how to do that. I have tried but all my designs look terrible. The more I work on them the worst they look. I am now trying to use templates but they are never perfect for me. However, every change I make to them makes them look more like my own designs. Can we learn aesthetics?
I agree. Layout and design are a significant part of creating engaging learning solutions. I’ve taken a course and currently game with apps that help strengthen skills in color choice, patterns, etc.
Thanks for this brilliant demonstration Phil !…
As a teacher, I didn’t really care about the environment. The subject is my priority. You prove me that Visual or Gaming Elements Should Greatly Improve My Courses !
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this Ludovic. As a professional teacher, it does my heart good to know that you are striving to do better for your students. Keep up the great work. Cheers.
Great session on visual design – thanks Phil. I have several ideas to try on my next e-learning course. Well presented and appreciate the hand outs and samples.
Thank you Amy. I’m glad you got something from the workshop.
I am glad that this workshop was available. The examples and illustrations made the points very clear. However, often I could not follow because of the audio. I hope this will be available in another format.
If you click on the “Watch Now” button above, you will find the pre-recorded session. I apologise again about the audio. It worked well when we tested the connection last week. Mind you there was no else in the room and there wan’t a thunderstorm outside my door. Thank you for investing your time and participating in the workshop.
Will they post recordings of live workshop as the system was down for me until a little while ago?
On Monday the recordings go live.
Thanks Allen.
I watched the pre-recorded resource and loved it.
I felt however that there was too much to cover in the live session and very little to no opportunity to ask questions and have the presenter respond real time.
The content was very relevant and Phil was obviously an expert in the field.
Thank you Caitshaz. When I share my screen I miss any comments or questions. I should have paused more to answer questions. Lesson learned.
I really enjoyed the content and learned a lot, but when watching live the audio was dreadful. There were comments made in the Q&A panel and Adobe said they were working to fix it, but the presenter wasn’t alerted until the break so there were 45 minutes of cutting out audio. The second half wasn’t any better and still it wasn’t paused to see if it could be fixed. It is a shame as the speaker was really interesting and informative but I was struggling to understand some bits as so many words cut out.
Thank you so much for your comments. I am really sorry that the audio had cut out so much. When I’m sharing my screen, I can’t see any of the information within Connect so I didn’t know there was an issue. When we did the test run, all went well. However with thousands of people on the Adobe Connect site and a thunderstorm out my door, there’s lots that could go wrong. You can check out the pre-recorded video to hear what was dropped and see some parts that we didn’t have time to cover.
I registered but unfortunately cannot login to the live session. The fact that this pre workshop is available is great but it would have been nice to see it live. Thanks.
In case you are not able to access the primary site https://elearning.adobe.com/elearning_world/ you can find the session on our backup site https://elearningworld.adobeconnect.com/sessions/. Inconvenience caused is regretted.
Yes I was unable to connect live as the website was overloaded unfortunately. Kept getting a timeout error. was just able to get on.
Bookmark this backup site. It has the links from a separate server. https://elearningworld.adobeconnect.com/sessions/
Yes, the recording will be available post the conference as well!
I tested that graphic on a number of people. So far, everyone has read it the same way.
Good luck for your session! I’m sure it’s going to be amazing! 🙂
Excellent session, thank you. I wasnt sure there was anything for me to learn about colour, font, content positioning etc but I was so wrong. I like the advice about thinking like a gamer. I am already seeing new possibilities swimming in my head
My goal of this workshop was to get people to start thinking a little differently. Thank you for you thoughtful comment.