July 31, 2020
Reviewing our portfolios
Hi all, I’m currently updating my portfolio and have been pondering what to include and then are the samples what recruiters/ I.D’S/ S.M.E’s are looking for? And is the content up to scratch?
I’ve recently included Interactive video (with CC) and a fluid box responsive design with a theme.
But is it what visitors want? Rather than second guess myself. I’ve come up with an idea.
Captivate community review each others portfolio
I think there are several good reasons for doing this.
- Feedback from Captivate peers
- The chance to get some ideas for your own portfolio
- Sharing skills
- Promote your own work/ skills
- Encouragement to increase your Captivate and Creative Cloud skills and knowledge.
So here’s my portfolio link below. I’m open to feedback good and not so good.
I look forward to your feedback.
I am a Learning Technologist for a medical training charity. Training is my passion I love to develop e-learning
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