In the previous post we looked at the different options that CP5 provides at the slide level to control the image quality and size. In this post we will look at the major changes in the way we publish images from CP4 to CP5.
Captivate 4 publishes images that contain alpha as high quality images even if the slide quality setting was JPEG or low. In CP 5, the algorithm used for color selection when publishing with low quality has been enhanced to work reasonably well for alpha-based images. Therefore, your preferences for image quality are honored better in CP 5.
The following example demonstrates the difference between CP 4 and CP 5 image settings and rendering and size:
This is how the slide looks in the edit area
When the project is published in CP4 with the JPEG option the SWF file size was 2314KB. This how the slide looked in the swf output file.
The project is then published as low and the resultant output file size is 2314 KB. When published as high the file size remains at 2314 KB.
Let us now see how CP5 publishes this project
When published as JPEG option, the size of the published SWF file is 1844 KB

Fig 3 - CP5; JPEG 82% - The black areas around various regions in the screen are where transaprency information has been lost
When published with Low quality option, the file size is reduced to 930 KB
When published with high quality the file size is 2505 KB.

Fig 5 - CP 5; High image quality - Note that the text looks better compared to the image wth low quality in Fig 4
Here is a small table summarizing our results
Preferences | Cp 4 SWF size | Cp 5 SWF size |
JPEG (82%) | 2314 KB | 1844 KB |
Low | 2314 KB | 930 KB |
High | 2314 KB | 2505 KB |
Please Note that the results are only indicative and your actual results may vary depending upon your content.