April 5, 2012
Training: Rapid Instructional Design for Agile Software Development
April 5, 2012
Training: Rapid Instructional Design for Agile Software Development
Pooja works as a Senior Director of Digital Learning at Icertis. She has created several award-winning eLearning courses and authored books and video courses on eLearning tools and technologies. In her previous roles, she worked as a principal eLearning evangelist at Adobe and chief learning geek at a start-up. Pooja is CPTD, and COTP certified. She holds a master’s degree in education & economics and a doctorate in educational technology.
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Topic: Rapid Instructional Design for Agile Software Development

Description: Join Sara Feijó, Adobe Captivate enthusiast, as she talks about Rapid Instructional Design for Agile Software Development. She will discuss about the Agile methodology and incorporating the ADDIE model using a variety of tools including Adobe Captivate, Adobe Air, and Adobe Connect to build concise, succinct, relevant, and engaging eLearning within the constraints of Agile processes.

Recording Link: http://adobe.ly/Lwsr1H

2014-11-15 16:46:00
2014-11-15 16:46:00

Dang! that the trouble with eLearning or anything digital, it ages like an englishman, really badly! Revisiting this in 2014 is brutal the dissonance between the crisp sharp visuals and an audio track that sounds like someone dropped their mike in a pool is crazy. If this was an old fashion book the media experience would be as clunky in 2014 as it was in 2012 or 1912. Something that reluctant academics keeps pointing out to me

2013-04-05 23:33:00
2013-04-05 23:33:00

Oh, yes you do have to register for the event – or at least login via your adobe ID in order to watch the recording

2013-04-05 23:31:00
2013-04-05 23:31:00

Yea, the “recording link” takes me to an “Event Registration” page. Do I have to register in order to watch the recording or is the link just broken?

2012-06-12 12:54:00
2012-06-12 12:54:00

There are certainly a lot of details like that to take into consideration. That is a great point to bring up.

2012-06-07 18:20:00
2012-06-07 18:20:00

Where can I get a recording of this? Link provided is broken.

2012-04-06 19:35:35
2012-04-06 19:35:35

[…] Relative Advantage in Content AreaRich Janitor Exposed – Can You Net MoneyPost it newsTraining: Rapid Instructional Design for Agile Software Development function quick_contact_send() { //Send Message Ajax Call //Deactivate submit button var […]

2012-04-05 20:03:24
2012-04-05 20:03:24

[…] Learning Solutions Conference …Want E-Learning Success? Make Sure Your Learners Are Dressed …Training: Rapid Instructional Design for Agile Software Development …Captivate Training: Using Video in Adobe Captivate 5.5 « Rapid …首页 | 登陆 | 联系Copyright […]

2012-04-05 17:34:00
2012-04-05 17:34:00

hi, thank`s for sharing this with us…

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