Problems creating a custom Handout template for Captivate 2017
I have read through a number of other post I found in this community about how to customize the handout which can be created from Captivate. Â I followed some good instructions provided by a Rebecca in 2015, and created my custom handout template in word. This is the content.
[CCN[CPCC]CCN] CPTemplates]
[CCN[CPCC]CCN] CPTemplates]
This works well in that it limits what is included in the resultant Word handout doc to the slides and closed caption text I want. Â But unfortunately it also includes some markup that I can’t figure out how to supress.
The output looks like this:
{rtf1ansiansicpg1252deff0deflang1033{fonttbl{f0fnilfcharset0 Arial;}}
viewkind4uc1pardfs16 This is some newly entered textpar
CP{rtf1ansiansicpg1252deff0deflang1033{fonttbl{f0fnilfcharset0 Arial;}}
viewkind4uc1pardfs16 this is new toopar
Con{rtf1ansiansicpg1252deff0deflang1033{fonttbl{f0fnilfcharset0 Arialri;}}
{colortbl ;red0green0blue0;}
viewkind4uc1pardcf1kerning24f0fs16 and this onepar
Can anyone help me figure out how to make this custom handout template work?
Ok. I see and agree. I’ve been using Framemaker for all my documentation needs, but it would be good to have a more nicely formatted output from Captivate to generate directly as changes/updates are made to the content. This output I would then pull into Framemaker to format for job aid type documents. I’ve done this with other tools in the past, e.g. Ancile uPerform. As changes are made in uPerform and the content republished to the word doc linked to from Framemaker, the updates are automatically pulled in. Nice little adhoc ecosystem, but needs a decent starting point re output from Captivate.
It would indeed be great to have a swiss knife that can to anything you ever want to do. Just wonder how big that knife would be for my small hands 🙂
I see one of the problems of Captivate is that users want it to have all features of a desktop publisher, of a bitmap graphics editor, of a vector image editor, of an audio editor, of an animation application, of a video editor, create software simulations and on top of that be able to create interactivity to make engaging eLearning courses. Perhaps more will expected from that single app in the future?
Although I agree totally that some features could use refurbishing, personally I don’t make a big fuzz about printing features because that is never my primary goal. I find providing printed documentation bit ….old. Beware: as a professor at a university college I have created many meters (feet) of written courses in the past. My most recent courses were documented with Captivate tutorials and Captivate presentations turned into interactive movies for the students.
no disagreement from me on all your points. In the current scenario, while the primary mode of publication is html5, there is a desire for an accompanying step by step job aid of the screenshot portions of the Captivate project (PDF distribution). While we can certainly use the existing print capability to be able to single source the content, it would probably be a one time export as there would be so much post export formatting to do.
Print output wouldn’t be my top priority for the product either.
Thanks for you thoughts.
I use Snagit for the screenshots, and link them to an InDesign document. Had so many problems with Word and its way of managing images that I switched for documets long ago (created many courses) to Framemaker or to InDesign.
All print documents under File, Print in Captivate need refurbishing since many versios…
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