July 6, 2018
Decision Tabs and Conditional Actions
July 6, 2018
Decision Tabs and Conditional Actions
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

I have created some conditional actions with multiple decision tabs, but the logic doesn’t seem to be working the way I hoped.

If you have an action to “Jump to a slide” if a particular condition is true, is that the end, or does Captivate look at the other decision tabs also?

For example, if you have three conditional decision tabs A, B and C in that order, and A is true, do B and C get checked also? If the action for A is to go to a new slide, and, say, B is also true, do the actions for B ever get looked at?

What I was hoping Captivate would do would be for the actions for A to be taken, and B or C would never be looked at.

2018-07-07 08:10:00
2018-07-07 08:10:00

BTW: this question popped up yesterday, but I was enable to localize it. That is the reason for my late answer, because I recognized immediately the common problem about understanding logic of advanced actions.

2018-07-07 08:08:26
2018-07-07 08:08:26

New to Advanced Actions? This is the first important information I include immediately in any advanced training: Advanced and Shared actions do not have a ‘break out’ functionality. like you find in JS and other programming languages. All decisions and commands are always evaluated in the same sequence from top to bottom (for commands) and from left to right (for decisions).. You have to understand that logic, because the sequence is very important and has to be taken into account when designing the action. I have multiple examples on my blog, based on the many times I had to debug actions for clients, that were not built with that logic. Since links would cause hours of waiting for moderation in this portal, I don’t like to post links. Find my personal blog, and search for ‘Blog after Posterous. Clickclick’ . Although pretty old it is a good illustration of the sequence importance.

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