December 24, 2018
Blue box appears upon publish, functions like a link or a pop out.
How do I get rid of this blue pop out box that appears only after I am publishing? What is it’s purpose? Where do I go to remove it?
2019-01-16 23:20:13
I think i fixed the issue. Something to do with copy/paste. I retyped everything and the box went away. I had copied all the headers and some text boxes from slide to slide. Somehow the program did not like that so I’m copy/pasting into a wordpad first if necessary.
2018-12-30 09:46:44
Can you please tell if your problem has been fixed? If it is a responsive project developed with Fluid Boxes, I would also recommend to set the minimum font size to 10pt instead of the default 14pt. Make also sure to Preview in Browser, not in the editing environment.
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