April 2, 2019
Project with a WHILE loop does not publish correctly as a video.
April 2, 2019
Project with a WHILE loop does not publish correctly as a video.
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

I have a single slide with a multi-state object that flashes pictures every 3 seconds thru the use of Advanced Actions (Captivate 2019). It works great when published in HTML 5, but as a video, only the first picture shows, and the Advanced Action never runs.

Can someone help me figure out what I’m doing wrong?

2019-04-02 12:20:06
2019-04-02 12:20:06

Question: What is your end goal? Are you just experimenting around with different outputs,  or do you have a requirement for a single slide “video” that loops repeatedly?
As Lieve Weymeis said, Captivate loops and any javascripting or advanced actions are executed during runtime from the browser, by means of an external JS file.

If you have a requirment from a customer/teacher/etc that the output be in video format, there are other options. You could do a screen recording of the presentation, and set it to record for the desired amount of time.

2019-04-02 08:43:14
2019-04-02 08:43:14

New to Captivate and interactivity? Video (mp4 output) is a passive output. When you use an advanced action, and publishing to HTML5, the advanced action will be converted to JavaScript. That companion file will make interactivity possible. But when publishing to video you cannot have any interactivity, JS is not available in the output file. If you want a video with a slide show, use a sequence of slides with pictures instead of a multistate object which needs a While loop to play.

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