In this video tutorial, I show you how you can create a branching menu slide that automatically allows your learners to navigate to different sections that have been grouped by you in Adobe Captivate. This interaction also keeps a final quiz button hidden until your learners have visited all the prerequisite sections. This easy to create eLearning design doesn’t require any variables or advanced actions.
- Here are the steps to reproduce it yourself:
Label your branching slide “branching” - Create interactive objects with no action and label them for each intended section.
- Optionally you can add visited states to these buttons if you want to show completion as I have done in this video
- Create a final interactive object for your quiz and label it “quiz” and make it not visible in output
- Group your slides into sections and label them precisely the same as your interactive objects from the branching slide, including the one for the quiz
Patreon subscribers can download this project to experiment with the interaction I’ve created.

Thanks Paul. Does this also work if you have single slides in your “chapters” instead of multiples that you can group?
No, they must be grouped into these branching groups in order for your branching slide to recognize them.
Does the last button always have to be labeled “quiz” for the visibility to toggle?
The main purpose of these easy workflows is to give new or inexperienced users an easy way to build what would be more difficult without prior knowledge of advanced actions and variables. The quiz element is optional but the hidden functionality is achieved with the proper labeling of your groups and objects.