I am relatively new to Captivate, (at least I still feel new after 5 years, because I still cant seem to get a handle on how adobe or captivate templates works) and after downloading several templates and/or projects, I am finding many of them have blank thumbnails in the film strip. It makes it extremely difficult to work with and I am wondering if I am just missing a setting or does everyone get this problem with downloading templates? This one in particular is Flat-Blue-Summer-Collection-2018-Layout-9446773.cptx
The message you show in the answer can point to many different problems, not just the ones which are mentioned.
Never had any training myself, but that is not an excuse. Just try to help you.
When you uninstalled did you clear the Preferences as well? You need administrator rights. Close Captivate and find the installation folder. It has a subfolder ‘utils’. Run the CleanPreferences… file appropriate for your OS.
Do not forget to clear the cache sometimes.
If you are upgrading to 11.5.1 there are a lot of changes. You may like some of them! The structure of the eLearning Assets has changed totally. There is a nice Assets panel, and Themes have a Properties panel. Do not hesitate to post questions, always someone around.
Here is the promised link:
Welcome Victoria.
There is a lot of terminology confusion (eLB site is a typical example). You talk about a template, but if you downloaded this from the eLearning Brothers it will probably be a normal cptx-project, not a template file which has the extension cptl.
The core of design in Captivate resides in the THEME, will post a link to a post where I tried to explain the difference with a template. I suppose the example of the screenshot is using a theme. Can you check under the Themes button? You could export the theme (extension cptm) and apply it to another project.
As for the reason why the filmstrip has only blank slides, while the stage shows object, can only guess that there is some incompatibility between your Captivate version and the one this project was meant to be used in? That is a question you should ask on the eLB site.
Last question: which exact version of CP2017 are you using? Only the most recent one is authorized for a subscription license, and that is
I got the template in the original post by going to:
Get free elearning assets / templates / scenarios / flat blue summer collection 2018 and you are correct it is a cptx file.
If I got to:
Get free elearning assets / templates / themes
There are 14 ‘themes’ that are listed, and I cannot use them because after downloading I get an error message. (attached)
My IT department is right now in the middle of trying to get me upgraded from 2017 to 2019, so there have been some uninstalls / installs and whatnot trying to figure out why my 2019 is not showing up in my cloud, but I am starting to wonder if some of the problems are due to something getting tweaked during the install / uninstall / install situation.
I am just so frustrated at this point I am giving up. I will try to have a read through of your link, but to be honest, I am frustrated to the point of tears. I dont have budgeting to get ‘real’ training on how to use this, so trying to learn all of this on my own is a regular uphill battle.
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