November 24, 2020
Favorite Feature in Captivate 2019?
November 24, 2020
Favorite Feature in Captivate 2019?
Explorer 3 posts
Followers: 1 people

My company is still using Captivate 9.  I am hoping to earn a license for the 2019 version so I can start playing around with it on my own to hopefully build a case for us to switch.  What are some of your favorite new features?  What are the ones you are having the most fun using in your projects?  Thanks!

2021-11-30 03:24:55
2021-11-30 03:24:55

Great question – what were some of your favorite answers?

2020-11-26 02:07:54
2020-11-26 02:07:54

My personal favourite is Interactive Video. Video is frequently used in eLearning but is a very passive way to learn. Having interactive video can really improve the potential of using video for engaging learning. Here is a review of the feature I did shortly after the release of Adobe Captivate 2019. 

Paul Wilson
's comment
2020-11-26 02:23:44
2020-11-26 02:23:44
Paul Wilson
's comment

That definitely caught my eye.  I have not done a lot with interactive video so that will be fun to explore.  Thanks!

Jeff Blackman
's comment
2020-11-26 12:46:18
2020-11-26 12:46:18
Jeff Blackman
's comment

I thought you asked about the most recent release? Interactive video is not new in 11.5. The only added extension in 11.5 is that you can now have multiple overlay slides in sequence.

You’ll find several interactive videos on my blog.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2020-11-26 15:49:10
2020-11-26 15:49:10
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Asking about 2019 version overall.  I’m coming from Captivate 9 so there is a LOT of new stuff for me to discover! 🙂

2020-11-25 09:18:02
2020-11-25 09:18:02

Talking about 11.5 I have a lot of favorite features, as you can see in my blog. It is the first time I have been blogging so much about one version, which is 11.5, the second major release of CP2019. You have already read my blog on the recommended blogs ‘Reflections about….’.

Two big favorites are:

  1. Under Theme Properties you can replace a font, and that replacement will propagate throughout all the object styles (also part of the Theme) using that font. That is probably the biggest time saver ever, but ignored by most users because of ‘not understanding’ what a Theme means in Captivate’s development.
  2. The possibility to use a SVG as a button AND to limit the clickable area to the image itself, not as is usual to the bounding box. Especially for games and for responsive project an underestimated feature.

I continue to appreciate older features, with roundtripping to Photoshop as primary. Roundtripping with Illustrator now becomes more important (SVGs) and hope that feature will be upgraded in the future, same as roundtripping with Animate, so that synchronizing with Captivate becomes easier (now use the brand new CpMate from InfoSemantics for that not included feature).

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2020-11-26 02:21:08
2020-11-26 02:21:08
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Thank you!  I am anxious to check out the theme functionality and get more familiar with it.

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