Hello all!
I am creating a Drag and Drop as part of a knowledge check. I have three locations and three sources. Each source has one correct drop location. And I have created three custom variables, one for each drop combination. I am trying to change the value of a variable when a source is dropped on a drop location so I can check those variables upon submission (not auto submitted) to provide the appropriate feedback.
I am trying to do this…
IF a drop is correct, I want to assign that particular drop variable with 1 and if incorrect, assign with 0, via the object action. Drop sources can be re-dropped if necessary, so if a source is dropped them moved to a different drop location, the object action of checking if it is correct and assigning 1 or 0 to the variable should happen again (crossing my fingers that this is possible).
I will have a custom submit button to take care of the submissions so I can accomplish all of the scripting.
I want to give them two chances to get all three correct. IF there is an incorrect choice on the first attempt, I will display some feedback saying wrong, try one more time and NOT move the drop sources at all. I am thinking that this will not be an issue (By that I mean… I assume that I can give them infinite chances, then count the number of submissions, correct?)
On the second attempt if all is correct, I will display feedback that says so, and have a click to continue action. If on the second attempt there are still incorrect choices, then I will show them what was correct with a green highlight, and if incorrect show with a red highlight AND display the correct answer to the right of the incorrect choice. All of this should not be an issue, again in my head anyway.
My issue is I cannot find where (which system variable and it’s allowed value(s)) to check if each drop is correct/incorrect so I can assign the 1 or 0 to the custom variable that I will check upon submission of the entire slide.
Does any of this make sense and any ideas if it is at all possible?
Thanx for any assistance/ideas you can provide.
Using captivate 2019
You posted this question yesterday on the Adobe forums.
I have offered you answers. For other users, here is the thread:
I will not start to copy/paste to repeat those answers.
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