Since flash is no longer supported, publishing a SCORM files as SWF, does not work.
With that being said, how can I published a SCORM file as HTML5 where learning interaction widgets would work?
If anyone can point me to any tutorial, that would be amazing. The CLO and myself love the learning interaction widgets as it assists in keeping the employees engaged.
Thank you in advance!
Did you check the HTML tracker under Project menu? Was it pointing to a learning interaction?
If it points to rollover captions or images, know that they will be functional on devices with a trackpad or a mouse (laptop/desktop) but NOT on a mobile device. Have a look at my recent post:
Replacing Rollover Captions/Images (SWF to HTML5 conversion) – eLearning (adobe.com)
Learning interactions are compatible with HTML5 output. Since the announcement of the future death of Flash Player I have not published to SWF anymore (almost since 4 years) and Learning interaction work fine after uploading to a webserver or a LMS.
However know that the most recent release took out all the Games from the Learning Interactions. You are left now only with static interactions. You didn’t specify which interactions you are using. Have a look at:
Sorry, I’m relatively new to Captivate. I created a glossary. However, when I try to publish as a HTML5, I receive the pop up stating that some slides are not supported by HTML5 format. If I remove the glossary, I do not get the pop up and all else work fine when uploaded into our LMS.