June 24, 2021
Captivate with Branching, Branch Aware and Return to Quiz
June 24, 2021
Captivate with Branching, Branch Aware and Return to Quiz
Adobe Certified Reseller and Australia/New Zealand's leading provider of Captivate Services and Support, including Training, Team Licences, Course Development and Contract Captivate Developers.
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We’ve created a demonstration video on how to complete a Captivate Project with Branching, Branch Aware and Return to Quiz. We’ve also had some fun with this by adding a little bit of JavaScript to create some randomness when the user “selects” the branch.

You can find the blog post with video and timestamped table of contents here


Hope you enjoy.

1 Comment
2022-03-18 12:32:12
2022-03-18 12:32:12

This will be really useful, thanks!

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