Hi Team,
I would like to add Excel sheet in captivate, and after publish to video user should be able to view the Excel in read only mode.
Expanding on the suggestions above – hosting the video on an LMS along with the full excel workbook as a downloadable file gives the benefit of allowing learners the chance to explore your explanation and cement their understanding more fully. I love it when my learners come and see me following an excel session, having looked into the workbook we used, and questioning why i took a particular approach rather than another!
Additionally, you’ll also likely be able to track learner interactions with the file depending on the LMS, so you can ensure they have actually opened the file.
Do they need access to the entire sheet through captivate, or will they be able to access it from another source? If they will only require it as an image, then to Paul’s point, you only need to show an image. If they access to the actual file, you could include a PDF as Lieve suggested.
As it sounds to me (hard to know your intentions) like you are creating a demo and describing Excel in some way, or at least how to create certain Excel sheets, I would think in order to be make the file worthwhile, you should consider providing the actual file to your learners so they can use it as a resource. For this, you would not need to include it in Captivate in my opinion. It would need to be provided through another method – email, on a server, download link, etc.
Perhaps I am incorrect. In which case, the other two suggestions may work for purpose.
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