I wanted to include a few questions on knowledge check, and quiz slides. According to Adobe, you are only able to include a single question on a slide. I find this hard to believe, and am interested in learning if anyone has a solution for this.
Thank you
Just make regular slides and create buttons for each question. Then you can set each button to be included in the quiz. Select the button and scroll to the bottom of “Actions” on the Properties tab. I’ve attached a screenshot.
mark –
The default quiz slides follow the SCORM rules, and they allow only one question per slide. The Knowledge Check slides are based on the same master slides as the quiz slides, although they do not allow reporting and shouldn’t follow the ‘rules’.
However you can always create custom question or KC slides with multiple questions. With custom versions I mean slides using standard objects, variables and advanced actions. All interactive objects in Captivate can trigger actions and – even more important – can be scored. To track success/failure the scoring is important both for KC as for quiz slides. You can also include the scores in the Total Quiz score.
I have written multiple blog posts about the creation of custom quiz/KC slides. You find an overview of all my Quiz articles in a pdf which you can download from this blog post:
Quiz Resources – eLearning (adobe.com)
I may need to update the pdf soon, because more blogs have appeared since this version.
Thank you!
You’re welcome!