April 10, 2023
ADVANCED Javascript Power Unleashed: Printable document with scores!
Learn how to use javascript in Adobe Captivate to create a custom page showing the user’s score and prompt them to print it!
I created a custom method in Javascript for sharing out assessment scores!!!! Adding the following javascript to a captivate button action allows you to create a webpage showing your participants’ results and then prompt them to print it!
My example below
// Create a new window with a blank HTML page// Gathers variables from Captivate based on the variable name there are 5 scores we’re trackingvar score1 = window.cpAPIInterface.getVariableValue(“cat_1_self_awareness”);var score2 = window.cpAPIInterface.getVariableValue(“cat_2_managing_emotions”);var score3 = window.cpAPIInterface.getVariableValue(“cat_3_motivating_oneself”);var score4 = window.cpAPIInterface.getVariableValue(“cat_4_empathy”);var score5 = window.cpAPIInterface.getVariableValue(“cat_5_social_skill”);// Creates and sets feedback in the document based on the scores captured in Captivated
let feedback1, feedback2, feedback3, feedback4, feedback5;//evaluates the first score and sets feedback
if (score1 <= 17) {feedback1 = “You should make this area a development priority.”;} else if (score1 <= 34) {feedback1 = “Giving attention to where you feel weakest will pay divedends”;} else {feedback1 = “This area is a strength for you!”;}
if (score2 <= 17) {feedback2 = “You should make this area a development priority.”;} else if (score2 <= 34) {feedback2 = “Giving attention to where you feel weakest will pay divedends”;} else {feedback2 = “This area is a strength for you!”;}
if (score3 <= 17) {feedback3 = “You should make this area a development priority.”;} else if (score3 <= 34) {feedback3 = “Giving attention to where you feel weakest will pay divedends”;} else {feedback3 = “This area is a strength for you!”;}
if (score4 <= 17) {feedback4 = “You should make this area a development priority.”;} else if (score4 <= 34) {feedback4 = “Giving attention to where you feel weakest will pay divedends”;} else {feedback4 = “This area is a strength for you!”;}
if (score5 <= 17) {feedback5 = “You should make this area a development priority.”;} else if (score5 <= 34) {feedback5 = “Giving attention to where you feel weakest will pay divedends”;} else {feedback5 = “This area is a strength for you!”;}//creates the webpage which will contain the scores and feedback
var win = window.open();win.document.write(“<html><head>”+//add the title of your page“<title>Page Title</title></head><body>” +// Adjust the titel of the assessment“<h1>Your TITLE OF ASSESSMENTResults</h1>” +“<div>” +//adds the 5 categories and scores to the webpage using HTML“<h3 style=’margin-bottom: 0;’><b>SELF-AWARENESS= </b>” + score1 + “</h3>” +“<p style=’margin-top:0;’>The ability to see yourself as others see you, and have a good sense of your abilities and limitations.</br>” +“<b>Feedback: ” + feedback1 + “</b></p>”+“<h3 style=’margin-bottom: 0;’><b>MANAGING EMOTIONS= </b>” + score2 + “</h3>” +“<p style=’margin-top:0;’>The ability to stay focused and think clearly even when experiencing powerful emotions.</br>” +“<b>Feedback: ” + feedback2 + “</b></p>”+“<h3 style=’margin-bottom: 0;’><b>MANAGING ONESELF= </b>” + score3 + “</h3>” +“<p style=’margin-top:0;’>The ability to use your emotions to move and guide you towards your goals. </br>” +“<b>Feedback: ” + feedback3 + “</b></p>”+“<h3 style=’margin-bottom: 0;’><b>EMPATHY= </b>” + score4 + “</h3>” +“<p style=’margin-top:0;’>The ability to sense, understand and respond to what other people are feeling. </br>” +“<b>Feedback: ” + feedback4 + “</b></p>”+“<h3 style=’margin-bottom: 0;’><b>Social Skill= </b>” + score5 + “</h3>” +“<p style=’margin-top:0;’>The ability to manage, influence and inspire emotions in others. </br>” +“<b>Feedback: ” + feedback5 + “</b></p>”+“</div>”+“</body></html>”);win.document.close();
// Waits for the window to finish loadingwin.onload = function () {// Uses the window.print() function to print the pagewin.print();
// Add a listener for the ‘afterprint’ eventwin.addEventListener(‘afterprint’, function () {// Close the window after printingwin.close();});};
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