August 23, 2008
Auto Calculate Caption Timing
August 23, 2008
Auto Calculate Caption Timing

"I inserted a caption with some small text. I changed the display time for this caption as ‘5 Seconds’. I preview the project and everything looks fine. Oops, I made a small mistake in the caption. I double-click and edit it. I press OK. Oh! the caption timing is reset to 3 seconds!!! Bug in captivate??? ".

If you have faced this scenario OR facing it, then let me start by saying that this is not a bug. And I will be courageous enough to say that this a captivate feature. Yes, this is "Auto Calculate Caption Timing" where Captivate tries to determine the time for an caption depending on the length of the text. So, if the Caption has long text, then it will be displayed for longer duration, and if the text is short then it will stay at 3 secs. You can choose not to have this behavior.

Go to ‘Project’ menu. Notice the ‘Calculate caption timing’ option. It is checked by default. Uncheck it and try editing the caption again. You will notice that the caption time remains what you had set it to before starting the editing.

This option is somewhat hidden and doesn’t get good mention in the Help documentation, where it is tagged as ‘
Setting caption speed automatically’. We will get it corrected this time 🙂

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