Adobe Captivate 4,E-Learning,SCORM Packager
A new addition to Captivate 4 is a separate application called SCORM Packager. It can be used to combine multiple Captivate SCOs, Flash Created swfs, Presenter quiz, Course builder quizzes into a single multi-sco SCORM package (zip). It extends Captivate’s capability of creating a SCORM enabled package by allowing user to combine these packages. This application will be useful when SCORM complaint courses created by different users have to be clubbed together into a single package.
The SCORM Packager can combine
- Captivate projects output (.zip files when you publish a captivate project for SCORM)
- Flash Learning Interaction files (.swf files which use LMS Adapter for tracking)
- Presenter created Quiz
- Coursebuilder quiz (converted into scorm package)
- Combination of the above files
Perform following steps, in order to add Captivate SCOs to a SCORM package:
1. Launch SCORM packager, add Course manifest details
The Course Manifest details include the following information:
-SCORM version (1.2 and 2004)
-course details like Identifier, Title, Description, Version, Duration and Subject
One the course Identifier and Title are mandatory whereas the rest is optional.
2. Click Add module – Select the SCO (zip file) that you have created using Captivate 4
3. Add sco details in the form when prompted.
Each SCO- identifier should be unique for each course/sco and the final course should have corresponding entry in the imsmanifest.xml file.
4. Publish the final package
The packaged zip contains resource files of each SCO contained in individual folders and xsd and imsmanifest at the root level.
Please note that if the structure of any of the SCOs is changed i.e. the location of xsd or imsmanifest files is changed, the packager will not work as intended.
The version of SCORM should be same for all courses that are to be integrated into a single package. However, the version of Action Script for the SCOs need not be same.
The packaged zip file can be uploaded on any LMS and the individual courses can be taken by user.
Flash Learning Interactions
Flash learning interactions are available with new Elearning Suite. These are Flash components for commonly used interaction types such as multiple choice, True / false etc. The best way to use these interactions is using quiz templates which has sample interactions used and are configurable. You can create a quiz pretty fast using these templates.
LMS Adapter is an integral part of these Quiz templates, which enables these templates to track user progress. Quiz templates are SCORM enabled and uses LMS Adapter to communicate with LMS. Once you create a quiz using this template it is pretty simple to add it as a sco in SCORM packager.
Perform following steps, in order to add a Quiz template based quiz to a SCORM package:
- Launch SCORM packager, add Course manifest details
- Click Add module – Select the swf file you created using quiz template
- Add sco details in the form
And this is very much it.
You are now ready to publish this package for the SCORM version you selected. Also, LMS Adapter enables quiz template based quizzes to choose the SCORM version at runtime. This means that for these swf files, you need not worry about the version you are publishing for. It can be either SCORM 1.2 or 2004.
Combining SCORM packages created Using Different Tools
It is very easy to combine SCORM packages, created using different tools. For the above mentioned supported formats, you can either add a zip file or a swf (learning Interaction swf) to create a multisco package out of it.
In case of Learning Interaction the sco details need to be provided, while adding the sco. For ready scorm packages sco details are extracted from the imsmanifest.xml, available in the package. After adding all the scos the final package is just one click away.
How do you do this for Captivate 5.5?
How do I re-publish something I already published, maintaining the same values I entered last time, for consistency? I don’t see any way to even see what those values were, much less open a previously created file with this tool.
Also, would you consider using a darker font for your captions? The low contrast is pretty difficult to read.
I’m sure this string is long-dead, but I am in the same boat as Keith above – we have Master Collection already and only needed to purchase Captivate to flush out our needs. As the sole instructional designer/eLearning creator for my organization I also need to edit video and create new graphics using Illustrator, so “downgrading” to the eLearning suite is not an option. It’s really poor consideration of their customers that Adobe doesn’t just offer the SCORM packager with Captivate.
In answer to Joel’s question, the aggregator will compile a group of projects for Flash that do not have eLearning output turned on. When you turn eLearning output on and publish, additional files and a SCORM folder are created for each project to allow communication with the LMS which is required for tracking. Without going into the details, aggregating files will not work if you need this eLearning output.
Our institution has purchased two licenses of Adobe CS4 Master Collection. They are investigating Atlantic Link software for SCORM packaging. As one of the content developers I am interested in recommending the Adobe E-learning suite instead of Atlantic Link. I notice that the content of E-Learning suite is not included in Master Collection – how do we get this functionality without duplicating the cost of unnecessary photoshop licenses?
Hello, I am currently using the 30-day trail of the Adobe e-learning suite. I have a situation where I need to create multiple modules that contain review questions that are not graded and will not be a part of the overall scoring of the end of module quiz. Although Captivate will allow me to assign zero points to the review questions, the results page shows the total questions in the CP(quiz questions and review questions). Is there any way around this?
I have used the SCORM Packager that comes together with Captivate4. I published 2 SCOs, one is pure information without quiz, the other is the quiz. I used the SCORM packager and packaged the 2 SCOs into one SCORM package. I can upload to the LMS without prolem.The problem is that the LMS keep giving me the average score of the 2 SCOs. The LMS shows score “0” for the 1st SCO that doesn’t contain a quiz. That makes my total score wrong. What I want is only the score from the 2nd SCO?How can I adjust my Captivate 4 settings so that the LMS doen’t show any score for SCO that doesn’t contain quizzes, and be able to work out the average score just for the SCOs that have the quizzes?Thanks very much for your help.
Hello, I have Dreamweaver 8, Adobe Design Standard CS4, Captivate 4, and ToolBook 9.5. I would like to package web courses for SCORM 1.2 into our LMS (SumTotal). We have figured out how to get ToolBook to work, but would like to figure out how to package Dreamweaver/coursebuilder web courses and captivate web courses into our LMS (SumTotal). Could SCORM Packager help us? Thanks, Gabriele
I have prepared a SCORM package and have uploaded it to my LMS but I keep getting this error, and is only the SCORM packages from captivate. How do I resolve thistype Exception reportmessagedescription The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.exceptionjava.lang.NullPointerExceptioncom.lr.LaunchScormCourse.getScos(LaunchScormCourse.java:289)com.lr.LaunchScormCourse.scormCourse(LaunchScormCourse.java:172)com.lr.LaunchScormCourse.doPost(LaunchScormCourse.java:52)com.lr.LaunchScormCourse.doGet(LaunchScormCourse.java:23)javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:617)javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:717)note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/6.0.18 logs.
Hi,any plans to release the SCORM packager, Flash learning interactions, or Dreamweaver Course builder extensions as a package?I am a a one man shop, I already own Master Collection CS4, so the only actual “product” I need is Captivate. It seems a bit rich to ask me to pay $1799 to get one product plus 5 product duplicates I don’t need, so I can get some extensions.
Thanks for the info on the Packager, being new to Captivate 4/E-learning Suite, in the demos it installed talking about workflow, it used the example of using a pre-test, then modifying displayed SCOs then presenting a post-test. Now obviously they’re using SCORM 1.3 (2004) to do this, but I’d REALLY like to know how to do this specific scenario with captivate 4 and the SCORM packager – any additional info or tutorials would be GREATLY appreciated.(please remove contact/e-mail before posting – thank you)
So i am new to the captivate world. I have created the training module i wanted with the off the shelf captivate software.it produces several different files as you know. .htm, .swf and .js.i want to post this on my web page, but have to have the module on the one file .wav etc etc.how the hell do i do this?
Hi Mark, If you currently use the editions Dw and Flash that come with the eLearning suite, these contain specific extensions (CourseBuilder and Learning Interactions) that help you create SCORM compliant content out-of-the-box. The posts on this blog describe how you can use the Flash learning interactions along with the Multi-Sco Packager to create your SCORM compliant course. We will also have a post very soon on doing the same with Dw Coursebuilder.Hi Kieth, you get the Aggregator with Captivate stand alone, but not the SCORM packager.Regards,Shameer AyyappanAdobe Captivate and eLearning Suite
Hi Mark,You can aggregate Presenter modules in a single packaged course using the SCORM packager. I would encourage you to request the trial of the Adobe eLearning Suite. As mentioned in my previous post, the SCORM packager is only available with the eLearning Suite (and not as an un-bundled product).Regards,ShameerAdobe Captivate and eLearning Suite
I am currently developing various e-learning programs with Flash CS3. All the displays and interactions are generated with AS 3.0, and they are based on the MVC design model.I am ready to upgrade to CS4, and was wondering whether I need to get the e-learning suite in order to be able to use the SCORM packager.In other words, if I just get the Web premium version, will it have the SCORM Packager? Or, do I need to have the Captivate version to be able to use the SCORM packager?Thank you,DA
I have been searching for a standalone application that aggreagrates several discrete Adobe Presenter modules into a single packaged course. I have come across the this Adobe Captivate blog with the description of the SCORM Packager application, which was apparently released last month. I have two questions.Would this not work with Presenter assets in the same way as with Captivate assets?Is the SCORM packager available as an un-bundled product?If ‘no’ to either of the above, what is Adobe’s recommendation for aggregating Presenter objects into a larger course?Site owner: Feel free to post this, but without my contact information. Alternately, please contact me off-blog if you can answer this directly.Mark PowellManager Education Production ServicesSymantec Corporation