April 14, 2009
Get ready to wear that creative hat while using Adobe Captivate – start with Rollover Slidelets!
April 14, 2009
Get ready to wear that creative hat while using Adobe Captivate – start with Rollover Slidelets!


Have you ever wondered while authoring your elearning content, “How do I get a context menu appear  on mouse rollover over any object in Adobe Captivate?”. Have you ever questioned yourself, “In Adobe Captivate, how do I get to view content on mouse rollover and simultaneously have an action performed on mouse click, both on single object?” . Well, if you  did have such “How do I….s” then  you hit the right node by coming to this post. This post would guide you through to achieve them by using Rollover Slidelet and a little bit of creativity!

So without wasting any more time lets get started. Please have a look at the first project:

Objective of this project:  To show point product details upon mouse rollover and its usage/position in rapid authoring workflow when user clicks over that product.

How the objective is achieved:

I have used rollover slidelets to achieve the set objective of this project. I have placed the point product details on the slidelet, which comes up when the user hovers over the rollover area. This rollover area is placed on the point product icon image. You can set the hover delay(i.e. the time taken by the slidelet to appear when the mouse is hovered over the rollover area) on the properties dialog of the rollover area, under the “Options” tab. Then I have assigned an ‘On click’ action on the rollover slidelet. Confused?? How could I have both slidelet appear on mouse rollover and ‘On Click’ action?? Yes, you could have both ‘On click’ action(just like any interactive object such as button, click box) on the rollover area and the corresponding slidelet coming up on mouse rollover on the rollover area. See how to set these settings for a rollover slidelet.

Are you wondering how am I able to show that red arrow on each product (on slide 2) based on the click on the first slide?? Well that is achieved by variables and scripting!!
see for yourself.

So now you know what could rollover slidelet could do for your elearning course. Still wondering how to show a context menu on mouse rollover. Well for that you will have to wait for my next post………..

Download the source file of above project

var addthis_pub=”shameerayyappan”;

var gaJsHost = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://ssl.” : “http://www.”);
document.write(unescape(“%3Cscript src='” + gaJsHost + “google-analytics.com/ga.js’ type=’text/javascript’%3E%3C/script%3E”));

try {
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(“UA-7747520-1”);
} catch(err) {}

2011-10-14 04:47:00
2011-10-14 04:47:00

I have three buttons… I’d like each of them to show text and images on click only. no rollover. Is that possible in captivate without leaving the slide?

's comment
2011-10-14 10:04:00
2011-10-14 10:04:00
's comment

Hi Miles,

Yes it’s possible to show text and images on click through Hide and Show Advanced Actions. In this blog post, I’ve explained the steps to create a click-reveal text functionality. You can follow the same steps to add images as well: https://elearning.adobe.com/2011/03/creating-a-click-reveal-text-screen-in-adobe-captivate-5.html

Let us know if this helps.

2009-04-24 22:40:57
2009-04-24 22:40:57

I am also requiring the Captivate for Mac, as this prevents me from looking at this suite for eLearning. What is the estimated time line for release of Mac Captivate, and also, what do you recommend for Mac users in the meantime?

2009-04-15 00:20:30
2009-04-15 00:20:30

Hi Rich, It is fairly public knowledge now that the team is working on a Mac version. Stay tuned to this blog, expect to hear more news soon.Shameer

2009-04-14 21:36:16
2009-04-14 21:36:16

Would love to jump into Captivate with both feet but it’s not available for the Mac??? All of the other products in your “eLearning Suite” are available on Mac, why not Captivate? This is a major roadblock, and honestly, a little frustrating when the rest of your product suite is available on Mac. What is your timeline for porting this product to Mac? And if you don’t have any plans to migrate Captivate to Mac, can you suggest an alternative Mac product?Thanks,Rich

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