May 14, 2019
Publish to Amazon AWS
May 14, 2019
Publish to Amazon AWS
Newbie 3 posts
Followers: 1 people

I recently created a course which I wanted to showcase in my portfolio. In doing this, I decided my best option was to post this work onto Amazon AWS S3 and then link it directly to my website.

However, I ran into a few issues with this decision. To avoid this happening to you too, here are the steps I recommend for posting your courses onto Amazon’s AWS platform.

1. Create your bucket.

This step is an easy enough step. Just create a unique bucket name and follow the default settings.

2. Add your HTML5 course to the bucket

To do this, first ensure that you’ve unzipped your course. Then, upload the entire course folder onto the platform.

3. View your course

Click the index file within the folder, and then the URL that correlates to it. Upon viewing my course, I ran into quite a few errors, which I came across when using Chrome (in incognito mode to avoid cache) and Firefox. However, these errors presented themselves only when the URL was https:// , so you may have to change to http:// . This removed the viewing errors I was having.

4. Do you have any SVG files?

If so, go into your ‘dv’ folder, right click on each ‘.svg’ file and click ‘Change Metadata’. Select ‘Content-Type’ from the dropdown menu and then type in ‘image/svg+xml’ .  Apply this to any other svg files you may have.

I hope this helps you in publishing your Captivate courses. Happy creating!

1 Comment
2020-06-18 21:10:37
2020-06-18 21:10:37

Thank you for sharing

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