August 21, 2019
Preparing Data for Captivate Software Simulations
August 21, 2019
Preparing Data for Captivate Software Simulations
Newbie 5 posts
Followers: 4 people

Software simulations can be made for either general purpose tools or online applications.  Most online applications require a personal account, with login credentials, and allow use of stored data.

In this blog, I’ll share some approaches for making simulations of applications that store personal data.

There are three basic approaches.

  1. Record and Edit. In this approach, a simulation is recorded using a real (existing) account, with personal information, and personal information is removed later.
  2. Create a Temporary Account. In this approach, both a temporary account and any required data are created prior to recording a simulation.
  3. Convert Existing Data. In this approach, existing personal account and related data are sanitized by the application owner before a simulation is recorded.

Approach #1 might be a reasonable approach, if there is very little personal information appearing in the simulation.  For example, recording a software simulation on how to make appointments using an online application may only have a personal login and password.   After recording the software simulation, the personal information can be removed from the text and background slide.

Approach #2 is typically the most efficient when the addition of a temporary account is not problematic.  This approach is also optimal if a simulation does not require extensive historical data.   For example, showing how to cancel an existing appointment requires minor data setup.  However, showing how to view banking transactions over a long period of time would require extensive data setup and may not be feasible.

Approach #3 is feasible only where an existing account can be completely sanitized and is no longer required.  This means that all personal and business confidential information must be completely removed prior to recording.  This approach often requires the technical support team for the application to undertake data conversion prior to eLearning development. Because of the effort involved, this approach is usually only undertaken on large application implementations where the effort is warranted.

For most software simulations, Approach #1 – Record and Edit or Approach #2 – Create Temporary Account with limited additional demonstration data are usually sufficient.   However, with Approach #1, there are some special considerations to ensure that information about the existing account and password are completely removed from Captivate.  I will cover this in my next Blog.

1 Comment
2019-08-22 09:23:04
2019-08-22 09:23:04

Understand the goal of your blog, and you give some good suggestions. There is one situation you may have overlooked: what about FMR slides? It is easy to edit the static background of slides from the Library as you tell for the first scenario. How do you approach this for the movie slides which are the FMR slides?

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