August 11, 2020
HELP! Assets are misplaced/distorted when I preview or publish!
Hi community members,
I am working on my first e-learning project and am having issues with my assets. I have created my master slides using my own SVG files. However, when I go to preview or publish my elearning module many of the assets are misplaced or distorted.
Am I doing something wrong? – Any help would be very much appreciated. Thank you!
2020-08-12 08:05:21
More details are needed, perhaps a couple of screenshots could help as well. I answered a similar question about moving/resizing SVGs this week, but couldn’t find a fix so far. However I use SVGs a lot. Here are some questions needed to clarify:
- Are you talking about a responsive or a non-responsive project?
- How did you create the SVGs? I found (like for bitmap images) the best approach is to have its size as close to the size needed in Captivate. Several of my recent games are purely based on SVGs.
- If it is a responsive project, how did you set up the fluid boxes?
- Which exact version number are you using (see under Help, About Captivate) on which OS?
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