To embed a PDF in a course:
1. Click object and in Properties panel set the action to Open URL or file.
2. Click the folder icon to locate and select the file
3. [IMPORTANT] Delete the first part of the location URL so that the name of the file only displays. For example, if you upload a file from your desktop with the location URL:
C:UsersUsernameDesktopJob Aid_Draft 6.pdf
Remove everything up to the file name itself, in this example, it is:
Job Aid_Draft 6.pdf
Otherwise, others with are don’t access the course using your local server/computer, will avoid the awful 404 error that would occur.
4. Publish your file (zip files). Locate all PDFs for your course and click and drag them to the zip folder. DO NOT UNZIP/OPEN SCORM AT ANY TIME!
Be sure to update the URL/Filename in Captivate if you rename a [PDF] file or replace it, otherwise it will cause a 404 error.
4. Publish your file (zip files). Locate all PDFs for your course and click and drag them to the zip folder. DO NOT UNZIP/OPEN SCORM AT ANY TIME!

Been wanting to know how to do this! Finally thanks a million.