Adobe Captivate supports three kinds of objects.
- Static
- Interactive
- Question.
Static objects inside Captivate are Text captions, animation, highlight box. Difference between static and interactive objects are that latter allows user to interact which means that when on slide it should pause the slide. It has success, failure and hint captions associated with it which are shown in corresponding cases. And lastly it can participate in scoring of the course. An example of interactive object in captivate would be a button or click box.
It has been long time I have written about using google maps API inside Adobe Captivate widgets. you know that this widget had something missing as you would have to insert a button on the slide to pause and let user do something. Why not it should stop by its own. What would it need to let widget pause the slide and behave like a interactive object. The answer is interactive widgets.
And what would it need to change our static widget to interactive widgets.
Step 1 – you would change the API isStatic() to isInteractive(). This tells Captivate that the widget is interactive and gives you all the additional functionality. Doing this step alone will pause the captivate slide.
Step 2 – Define a variable interactiveWidget_mc which is used to talk to captivate movies.
Step 3 – Define three functions setFailure, setSuccess, setShowHint. The widget developer has to decide when to send success event. In my case I will pass success event when user has clicked on the widget. I will set up a event listener for mouse clicks and when user has clicked I will call setSuccess.
function Release(event:MouseEvent):void{
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Release);
I will leave other functions for you to try out. If you need to see this widget in action with my little modification your can see it in action in fbr pos invoicing system at FBR POS Integration.
Source files discussed in this post –
- Source file for widget(.FLA file) – Download
- Widget file which can be used in Adobe Captivate 4(.swf file) – Download
Do let us know what other things you tried to enhance it. Shae your experience with us , to see more live example visit here.