May 1, 2023
Target Custom Buttons on Master Page
May 1, 2023
Target Custom Buttons on Master Page
I make things
Followers: 0 people

Anyone know a way to target customer buttons that are on the master page? I have a back and next button that I need to mask until the content on the slide has been visited/viewed. (I can use a variable on the slide content itself to say it has been seen, but how to target the master page items is what I can’t seem to figure out.)

1 Comment
2023-05-02 16:15:16
2023-05-02 16:15:16

Since items on master slides never have an ID, there is no way to control them.

Alternative is to have the buttons on the first slide, timed for the rest of the project. That way they have a unique ID and can be controlled with Hide/Show commands. However that solution has some drawbacks as well. One of them is the pausing point of the button. When it is on a master slide it is possible to have the button paused any slide at its end, whatever its duration. That is not possible for a button timed for the rest of the project. If you are on a responsive project created with Fluid Boxes there are some difficulties as well (although I have a workaround).

As for Forced View there are many solutions around, but you are probably aware of that.

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