Hi Adobe, quick question, why do our internal users / employees need to have an Adobe ID to sign in to Prime? We would like to disable this feature and allow prime sign in. We don’t have SSO. Thank you
Asking for a colleague . . . Is there a max size and number of Cp slides limit? I have a 430 slide project which publishes to a 391MB unzipped Windows Executable .exe and either loads with a grey circle icon with exclamation mark in it or just a black screen. If I remove a few slides (from anywhere in the project) it loads fine. Seems like I’ve hit a ceiling. That should do for now
Been working in Prime today and have encountered various issues. Please see below. Thank you please advise Files not loading in to Prime from Captivate Switching between Author and Admin view today, saw these screens BTW, tried to access https://elearning.adobe.com from Chrome, Doesn’t like Chrome